The Reality of the Spiritual World
When you think of angels and demons, what do you see in your imagination?
Chubby little baby-faced, innocent looking cherubs with halos over their heads,
floating on clouds and playing harps? Opposed to them, do you see gruesome
looking monstrosities with red, burning eyes, smelling like the stench of death,
speaking with a scratchy, other-worldly sounding voice? A bogeyman?
Such pictures are make believe.
The Bible is the only sourcebook for our conceptions of these beings, and it
does not picture them in this way at all!
Yet, we cannot treat them as make believe. They are real. Very real! Both groups
have far greater power than we do.
Don't accept the pictures seen in The Exorcist or in some B-grade horror movie.
But don't deny the reality of these beings and their existence either.
The 21st century is an age of enlightenment--right? Everything has to have a
logical, physical, scientific explanation or we don't believe it. Naturalism
threatens to eliminate the supernatural force from our everyday thinking and
But the truth is that their realm is more real than ours. Think about it. Our
world is destined to be annihilated one day (2 Peter 3:10-13). Whereas, their
spiritual realm existed before ours, and will continue to exist after this one
is destroyed (Job 38:4-7,
Luke 20:36). It is the realm of forever.
The Supernatural Realm Is More Real Than Ours
Okay, right there you may already be thinking that I have lost my mind. But
think about it. The supernatural realm is a realm of spirit beings. I call it a
"realm" because to speak of the spirit "world," it appears we are suggesting
that these things are far removed from us--a universe away. But they are far
closer to us than that.
The spiritual realm is real, and is a present battleground for our own souls.
God wants us to share in His glory and love--Satan wants us to share in his
misery and destruction.
Satan reigns over a kingdom of darkness that is organized in opposition to God
(Matthew 12:25-26). That opposition crystallizes in its connection to man and
God's plan for him. So that is where Satan wages his war against God (cf.
Genesis 3:1-15).
From the beginning, man would be the spoils of the battle--the prize to fought
The "Heavenly Places". When you look at this life, all we are
is "dust in the wind." That is all you can say about the earthly realm--we are
here today and gone tomorrow.
But the spiritual realm--the heavenlies, or heavenly places--is quite different.
The Book of Ephesians describes this realm more than any other book.
- It is a realm wherein we can find, enjoy, and experience all of the
spiritual blessings in Christ right now (Ephesians 1:3).
- It is a realm wherein Christ is sitting and reigning right now
(Ephesians 1:20).
- It is a realm wherein we can sit and reign with Christ right now, while
still living in this world (Ephesians 2:6).
- It is a realm wherein other principalities (governments and rules
assigned to certain princes) and powers govern. These have also learned more
completely about God's will for man--something they only had glimpses of in
previous times (Ephesians 3:10, cf.
1 Peter 1:12).
- It is a realm that is not heaven itself, but is the spiritual domain in
which powers of darkness are waging war against us. It is the battleground
where we are fighting for our own spirits while we are trying to live on a
higher spiritual plane with Christ (Ephesians 6:12).
Does that make any sense? The "heavenlies" (which are only mentioned in
Ephesians) refer to a spiritual realm or domain. It is related to heaven. But it
is not heaven. It is a realm in which we live presently (Ephesians 1:3,
and a realm in which Satan's cohorts work too (Ephesians 6:12).
When we enter a spiritual relationship with Christ, we join Him in this sphere
of activity and existence, along with all the other spirits of men, angels, and
demons (Ephesians 6:12,
Hebrews 12:22-24).
Who are the supernatural spirits in this realm? Who makes us this menagerie of
spirits in this domain?
Satan. Satan is the most notable. He is to be feared because he
"walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). But
if we resist him he will flee from us (James 4:7).
Jesus described him as the "ruler of this world" (John 12:31,
14:30). He has a
tremendous amount of authority in this world, and his kingdom consists of
everything that is opposed to Christ's kingdom. Satan is the ruler over men and
kingdoms of this earthly realm, because they have chosen to follow him over
Christ. He has authority that he usurped from God!
Angels. These are beings who were created to carry out God's
will--agents of God's work (Hebrews 1:7,14). God has given them authority,
principality (a domain of jurisdiction), and power (Psalm 103:20-22).
Among them are good angels. Those who are faithful to God, who have chosen to
serve Him and remain humble even in their glorious state (2 Peter 2:10-11).
They are holy angels (Revelation 14:10). They praise God continually (Revelation
5:11-12) and minister to God's saints for Him, giving them protection and
dispensing God's blessings to them (Psalm 34:7,
Hebrews 1:14). They transport
the souls of men to the spirit realm, which is cut off from the physical realm
(Luke 16:22), and rejoice when one sinner returns to God (Luke 15:7).
Also among them are wicked angels. The demons and fallen angels of the Bible are
not wicked beings who were created wicked by God. Neither are they God's equals
on the dark side--evil alter egos. They are spirits (Matthew 8:16,
Demons are angels who, by the abuse of their free will, have become enemies to
God and consequently enemies to us. They do not differ in nature from good
angels, rather their nature is depraved by their own choice (2 Peter 2:4,
6). They are destined for eternal destruction, but as yet are not fully
experiencing it (Matthew 25:41,
8:29). Some are confined (imprisoned) and others
are loose and out to destroy our souls (Jude 6).
The fact that the supernatural realm embraces not only the morally good but also
the morally evil, aggravates modern man's disbelief. But this is a real
spiritual world of good and evil, and it needs to scare us! Not because some
demon is going to jump out of the bushes or our closets and bite our heads off,
but because they are fighting for the most important thing we possess--our
eternal soul!
The Influence Of Spirits In This World
Do these spirits work in this realm? They are actually inhabitants of a
greater, supernatural realm which operates above ours. They are not confined by
natural law therefore they are not subject to human visibility or other physical
sensory perception. Yet, that doesn't make them any less real than the personal
spirit which inhabits the body of every one of us.
So how do they influence this realm?
Spirits Are Instrumental In The Rise And Fall Of Nations. God is
the one who sets up kings and brings down nations. He is in control (Daniel
Romans 13:1-7,
Acts 17:26). Evidently good spirits wage war with evil
spirits who oppose them to accomplish God's purposes (Daniel 10:4-14,
In another example, when the nation of Syria came against Israel, God's spirit
army overcame Syria's physical army (2 Kings 6:13-18). God uses them to carry
out His will in the nations.
The battle is fought on a spiritual plane between God's angelic army and Satan's
demonic army. Satan is "the ruler of this world" (John
1 John 5:19), and
he fights for the control of this world-because that is all he has. And he won't
even keep that forever. While these wicked forces are not pushovers--even for
God's army--they are destined to lose!
Spirits Are Out To Destroy Men. Invisible, extremely intelligent,
strong and depraved personalities can do much harm to man, leading him to do
evil (Ephesians 2:2-3;
Colossians 1:13). They can influence his mind through
temptations and his own lusts (2
Corinthians 4:3-4).
They seek to destroy God's people with a fierce determination (Ephesians
6:10-18). They wage war against us in the spiritual realm, and want to slice up
our souls, and leave us lifeless on the ground.
It appears that Satan even has some power to endanger our physical safety by
exercising a certain control over natural forces (Job 1:12,16,19,
13:11,16). Is that really surprising since he is "the ruler of this world" as
Jesus indicated (John 12:31)?
Sometimes we say "The age of miracles is past. So Satan is not working like that
any more." I agree that the age of miracles is past (1 Corinthians 13:8-13). But
what makes us think these are miracles? Besides, Satan has never been able to
perform an actual bona fide miracle. If he could, then the miracles that Jesus
did would not be proof that He was God's Son (cf.
Acts 2:22). We are not talking
about Satan doing miraculous things--rather doing supernatural things.
Satan and his demons subject us to temptations in trying to destroy us (Genesis
Matthew 4:3,
Luke 22:31,
John 13:27,
Acts 5:3,
1 Thessalonians 3:5). What
is going on in your spiritual life is not just a haphazard bunch of events.
There is war going on for your soul!
Yet all is not lost! The power of these spiritual forces is greater than our
own--but we have heavenly allies too. God gives us spiritual armor to battle
these forces (Ephesians 6:10-18). God sends His angels to protect and defend us
(Matthew 18:10,
Psalm 34:7;
91:1-13). God sends His blessings to us through the
hands of apostolic messengers and agents (Hebrews 1:14).
Spirits And False Religion. One of the most dangerous, yet subtle
roles of demons is the perversion of revealed truth. They never cease nor tire
in their efforts to turn men away from the gospel of Christ, and deny and
distort God's word. Satan and his evil cohorts have opposed God's word from the
very beginning (Genesis 3:4-5,
John 8:44). How has he been able to accomplish
He blinds men to the truth (2 Corinthians 4:4). Spirits have waged a persistent
and endless counterattack to keep men ignorant of God's word.
He spreads false doctrine (1 Timothy 4:1-3). Deceiving spirits and seducing
demons are the invisible spiritual agents behind the visible human agents and
false teachers. The existence of such spirits is the reason we must always "test
the spirits whether they be of God" (1 John 4:1-3).
He deceives us (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12). Ignorance of Biblical truth breeds
gullibility. A person many naively think that since God has the power to heal
and perform miracles, that everything that tries to pass itself off as a miracle
comes from God.
He sends us ministers of deception (2
Corinthians 11:13-15). That is why we must evaluate the spirits in light of
Bible truth (1
John 4:1-2,6).
We need to realize that if Satan has the power to induce sickness upon someone (Luke
Job 2:7), then it would not be strange for him to release a person
from that sickness, then try to cloak it as a miracle!
In this world there are two realms--the physical (temporary) and the
spiritual (eternal). You won't see manifestations of demons or angels today that
you can recognize, but you can be sure that they are actively engaged in an
attempt to win your soul.
We need to be frightened of such things. But we need to be confident too, "Who
shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or
persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: 'For
your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the
slaughter.' Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who
loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor
depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love
of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:35-39).
Satan is a "roaring lion" but the one who is in us "is greater than the one who
is in the world" (1 John 4:4).
- Rob Harbison