One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

God Time and Eternity
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God, Time, & Eternity

Are there things about God that you don’t understand? Me too. We yearn for Him and grope for Him in the hope that we will find Him (Acts 17:26-27).

What about eternity? Even harder. God has placed that longing to know and experience eternity in our hearts too (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

What about heaven? God has tried to help us picture that spiritual place, but the problem is that He has to use physical terms or else we could never understand anything about it (2 Corinthians 5:2-4).

There will always be problems trying to comprehend that which is humanly incomprehensible (Romans 11:33). Therefore, God doesn’t explain everything to our satisfaction—He just gives us enough to appease that yearning.

The Wisdom of Men

The wisdom of this world and scientific learning of our day intimidates us because it claims to have insight that we don’t. It mocks us for believing ridiculous and foolish things.

But what happens to the wisdom of each generation? It dies and is replaced by the wisdom and learning of the next, and then the next, and then the next—until the knowledge which men confidently assert in their own day, is mocked and ridiculed in the decades and centuries to come (1 Corinthians 1:19-21).

Many people think God is a holdover from a superstitious age when men believed in evil spirits, bogey-men, leprechauns, and ghosts—when he needed to believe in something to protect him. But now that we live in an enlightened age, they think God has outlived His usefulness.

The wisdom of God far exceeds theirs though—even the most learned wisdom of the most learned men. They have merely learned about the works of the very God who they deny. God has no limitations (1 Corinthians 1:25, Isaiah 55:8-9). It was through this wisdom that He created everything (Proverbs 8:22-31). That same wisdom calls on us to listen to it in His works of creation (Proverbs 8:32-36).

God And This Realm

God created this realm. He is not bound by any of it. He spread it all out before Himself like a great architect and builder (Psalm 33:6-9, Isaiah 40:21-22, 25-26). We cannot place limitations on a limitless God. Therefore:

Limited Men Try To Understand An Unlimited God

Here is where the problem begins, as finite men try to comprehend an infinite God (Romans 11:33-36). We speculate and propose what we think are very intelligent questions. Actually, in our blind arrogance, we don’t realize how laughably dumb our "deep philosophical questions" really are. Endless absurd questions like:

  • Where does God live?
  • How many angels can you fit on the head of a pin?
  • Can God create a rock so big that He cannot move it?
  • When does God sleep?
  • Is it daytime right now for God or nighttime?
  • How old is God?
  • If God created the world, then who created God?

Those questions show our ignorance… not our intelligence (Romans 1:20-22). People mock what they don’t understand to hide the fact that they don’t understand! Every one of those questions attempt to place our physical limitations on a limitless God. Finite man tries to measure an infinite God with finite measurements.

Illustration: A ruler measures in two dimensions—length and width. Draw a circle on a piece of paper and you can measure it with that ruler. But take out a sphere (ball) and you can’t do it. Why can’t you measure a sphere with that same ruler? Because you are measuring a 3-dimensional object with a 2-dimensional tool. You will never be able to do it.

Now suppose you confidently say that proves that there is no such thing as a ball—because it cannot be measured by your ruler. And you condescendingly make fun of the rest of us because we still believe in balls. You walk away thinking you are superior to the rest of us clods, while we look at each other and snicker under our breath.

Do you see the difficulty of binding physical laws on a spiritual God?


Imagine a land of only 2-dimensions—having length and width, but not height. We’ll call in Flatland.

Flatland is inhabited by intelligent beings who appear in the form of different geometric shapes—triangles, squares, rectangles, pentagons, hexagons, octagons, etc.

To imagine what life looks like to a Flatlander, you may have to get down low and look at the top of a table, so you only see the edge of all the figures on it. Then, no matter what their 2-dimensional shape is, they all look like lines (which are a 1-dimensional shape).

One day the Flatlanders wake to find that someone has drawn a line across their town. Not having the ability to jump over, or tunnel under (since they are 2-dimensional they have never even heard of the concepts of "over" or "under"), all they know to do is to try to go around it or through it.

They are helpless to get across that line. They are cut off from their families and friends because of the outside boundaries of their city, and are now hopelessly enclosed within the boundaries with no way out.

The leaders of Flatland meet together in a council room to determine how the line got drawn there in the first place, to discuss their options, and then to form some plan of escape. While they are meeting, a circle appears in their midst who is not one of them. It startles them all because no one can see where this circle came from.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" they demand. The stranger says, "Hello, my name is ‘Sphere’. I have been watching you from above and thought I would come down and introduce myself. I am the one who drew the line through town."

"What do you mean ‘above’ and ‘down’. You are crazy. There is no such thing as ‘up’ or ‘down’. Have you escaped from the lunatic asylum? We have heard about people like you, and don’t want to have anything to do with your cockamamie ideas about a third dimension," cry the townspeople.

The sphere says let me prove it to you. Then as he lowers himself down further into their plane, his appearance becomes larger, then smaller, then he completely disappears.

"Where did he go?" they ask each other in bewilderment.

"I’m right here below you now".

"What?" they say, "We don’t see you anywhere."

The sphere laughs, "Well, that’s funny, because I can see you. I can even see what each of you ate for supper—chicken, fish, peanut butter and jelly." And everyone’s mouth drops open in shock.

Then the sphere says, "Now I will let you see me again" and he rises up so that they can see him in 2-dimensions again. He looks just like any other circle in the room—only he can change in size as he goes up and down, and even disappear from their sight at any time.

They ask him plenty of questions—like, "How can you change your size and shape?" He says "I never did, it just looks that way from your own limited perspective." They ask him "How can you be here or there across the room at any given time without moving back or forth?" He says "I just move above you or below you in the realm that you don’t see."

They still haven’t seen that 3rd dimension that he calls height. But he has made believers out of them.

We are like the Flatlanders. We are limited by the physical dimensions of this world—length, width, height, and time. We move about in these spatial dimensions and can only move forward in time. When we try to conceive of God in terms of those dimensions we limit Him in ways that He is not limited.

(The Flatlanders illustration comes from concepts explored in an interesting science fiction book called Flatland by Edwin Abbott.)

God Is Unlimited In Either Realm

The Bible tells us that He inhabits eternity (Isaiah 57:15), that He dwells in heaven looking down on us (Deuteronomy 26:15), and that He even dwells in light (1 Timothy 6:16). For convenience, we could say that God lives in the Heavenly dimension—the one that we are separated from because we are bound by a world of three spatial dimensions (length, width, and height) and one dimension of time.

No man can see God (1 Timothy 6:16, Exodus 33:20). But that does not mean He is not there. That only means that we are not in the same realm as He is—like the Flatlanders and the Sphere. The reason we cannot see God’s face is not because it is too horrible to behold, but in order to see God as He is, we would have to leave this realm of the physical—that would take death (the separation of our spirit from our body—James 2:26).

Throughout history, there have been times when God entered our plane of existence (Exodus 3:4-14, 33:18-23).

When Jesus came into the world, He left the Heavenly dimension (John 1:1-2, Philippians 2:5-7) and came in the flesh too (John 1:14, Matthew 1:18-25). When the stone was rolled away from His tomb, His body was already gone (Matthew 28:1-8). After the resurrection He appeared to His disciples in the middle of a locked room (John 20:19-31), and on another occasion appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, then disappeared again (Luke 24:13-31). When He ascended to heaven, He simply disappeared into the clouds (Acts 1:9-11).

Amazingly, even men have been transferred from this plane to the heavenly plane—Enoch (Genesis 5:24), Elijah (2 Kings 2:11), and Paul (2 Corinthians 12:1-4). Some have even returned to this plane from that one for a short period of time—Samuel (1 Samuel 28:13-19) along with Moses & Elijah (Matthew 17:1-8).


God is eternal (Psalm 90:2). Before the world was created there was eternity. After the world ends and is destroyed there will still be eternity—not eternity will begin again, but it will continue as it always has. Thus God the Father and God the Son could both say of themselves "I Am" (Exodus 3:14, John 8:58).

Even their planning for man’s benefit has been plotted from eternity (Ephesians 3:10-11, 1 Peter 1:18-20).

To put physical limitations on God is foolish. To try to understand Him in view of our finite limitations is frustrating. We will come to know Him fully one day, but until that day comes, we must accept our limitations and not try to place them on God.

Creation Of Time

We casually throw around the idea of billions of years, as if it was a proven fact that the universe has been here for that length of time. We try to look at processes and evidence in the present, then work our way back to find out how much time has elapsed in the history of this world. Actually, the majority of scientific conclusions about our history are based on the adage "the present is the key to the past" (also called ‘uniformitarianism’).

Such a theory could possibly be true—if everything remained the same for all of history. But it is a fallacious concept if supernatural processes were involved in the world’s origin (Genesis 1:1), and if catastrophic processes have influenced it’s history since its beginning (2 Peter 3:5-7).

If those things are true, then that first method of scientific interpretation is found to be faulty, and we must not let it influence our view on the world’s history.

Time Was Created With The Rest Of God’s Handiwork

Time was created with the rest of creation (Genesis 1:1,5). When God finished creating the heavens and the earth, the light and the dark, the end of that creative process completed the beginning of time. For the first time it was measured as evening and morning—comprising the first day.

We don’t have the option of even assuming billions of years, because until that first day "time" was irrelevant—it did not exist (the Bible measures God’s existence, not in time, but in eternity [Isaiah 57:15; Psalm 90:2]).

Was that evening and morning on the first day a period that could have lasted for long ages? Evidently not, because the heavenly bodies He created on the fourth day—the sun, moon, and stars began to mark that same period of time—which has remained a 24-hour period of time since those heavenly bodies were created (Genesis 1:14-19).

Time was created (like the other 3-dimensions of this physical world) to work in this kind of world. Time is irrelevant to God. He is not bound by any of it (2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4).

Time was created by the Divine hand, and is marked out by the physical time-keepers that He created. If we believe what God has said, then we don’t even have the option of assuming the "days" of Genesis 1 could be "long ages of time" (Genesis 1:14-19).

Someone asks "Well, how do you know that all of the days in the beginning were 24-hour periods, because the sun, moon, and stars weren’t even created until the fourth day?"

That is true that they were created on the fourth day, but notice that night and day had already been divided since the first day (Genesis 1:5). And then the second day was divided (Genesis 1:8). And then the third day was divided (Genesis 1:13).

It was not the sun, moon, and stars that divided them at first. It was the light and the dark that God created which divided them. The sun, moon, and stars were created to be continuous sources of the light He created, and would continue to regulate what God had already done. By doing that, those heavenly bodies would bring glory to Him and remind us of His creative power (cf. Psalm 19:1-6, Ecclesiastes 1:4-7).

The sun, moon, and stars were never the source of time—they were set in place to be the regulators of the "time" which God has already created.

Illustration: If you don’t have a watch, does that mean that time does not exist? That just means that you don’t have anything at the present to measure it. 

If you are not somewhere where you can see a clock, does that mean that your 9:00 Monday appointment at the doctor can be just anytime you want to get there?

The clock does not determine whether or not time exists—it only measures it. Likewise, the divinely made clocks (sun, moon, stars) don’t determine whether or not time exists—they only measure it.

Time was created to measure periods with a beginning and end. It cannot measure something like eternity. That is why, to even ask the question "How long is eternity?" confuses us. How can you measure something that has no measurements? Conversely, time had a beginning (Genesis 1:1-5). Time will have an end (2 Peter 3:10). Time means nothing to God (2 Peter 3:8).

Actually, this whole study about God and time has a bearing on another important question that is being debated today in scientific and intellectual circles—even among Christians.

How Old Is The Earth?

Are the six days of creation depicted in Genesis 1, six literal 24-hour days, or could they be six ages or periods of time spanning millions of years each? This seems like an acceptable compromise with the Bible record and the scientific evidence—to consider them as long ages.

Someone says, "I don’t think it really matters whether or not we accept a literal six days of creation, or interpret it as six long eons of time. It’s all the same, because I still believe that God was behind it either way."

It made a difference to Jesus. He placed His stamp of approval on the accuracy of the creation story (Matthew 19:4-5, cf. Genesis 1:27, 2:24). He would know the truth far better than any scientist with any sophisticated instruments—since He was there (John 1:1-3, Hebrews 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-17).

Someone says, "The six ages of time—spanning millions or billions of years—makes more sense because it is impossible to think that God created all of the complexity of this world in just six days."

Oh please! A God who could create this world in the first place could do it in any length of time He chose!!

Someone says, "Well then, what about all of the scientific evidence that indicates it is billions of years old? What about the assertions of radioactive dating methods that the universe is billions of years old, that life is millions of years old, and that man began his stage of evolution a million or so years ago?"

Some of the better known scientific methods for dating rocks and fossils are Carbon-14, Uranium-Lead, Potassium-Argon. Some appear fairly accurate, but these systems present certain problems within themselves.

  • They assume the very long age they are trying to prove. If we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth was old, then radioisotope dating might help us determine exactly how old—but if it is young, then the methods would be completely useless.
  • Original levels of the compounds and elements which are being measured have to be assumed.
  • It must be assumed that the rate of decay has remained constant and no cataclysmic changes have thrown off the timetables. Therefore, if the worldwide flood of Noah’s day was true, then the world would have been different in many respects after the flood than it was before (which the Bible affirms [2 Peter 3:5-6]).
  • It must be assumed that there was no daughter material present when the rock was first formed—that there was absolutely no radioactive breakdown when it was formed (The parent material is considered as the original levels, and the daughter as the remaining levels).
  • There is both a large margin of error and many discrepancies in the conclusions reached, rendering them very unreliable for accuracy.
  • Quote—"The troubles of the radiocarbon dating method are undeniably deep and serious. Despite 35 years of technological refinement and better understanding, the underlying assumptions have been strongly challenged, and warnings are out that radiocarbon may soon find itself in a crisis situation. Continuing use of the method depends on a ‘fix-it-as-we-go’ approach, allowing for contamination here, fractionation there, and calibration whenever possible. It should be no surprise, then, that fully half of the dates are rejected. The wonder is, surely, that the remaining half come to be accepted. No matter how ‘useful’ it is, though, the radiocarbon method is still not capable of yielding accurate and reliable results. There are gross discrepancies, the chronology is uneven and relative, and the accepted dates are actually selected dates." (Robert E. Lee, ‘Radiocarbon, Ages In Error’, Anthropological Journal of Canada, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1981, pp. 9,29 [Assistant Editor]).

And you were led to believe that there was no doubt about the ages of the rocks and fossils, weren’t you?

Dating The Age Of The Earth

Did God give us carbon-dating or any of these other methods to measure the passage of time? No.

The only accurate dating that can be done must be measured by the sun, moon, and stars—the markers God has given man to identify "signs and seasons, and for days and years" (Genesis 1:14). We cannot date accurately by measuring the breakdown of radioactive isotopes or carbon—then by projecting back in time, based on assumptions about the method which are not necessarily accurate.

Since man has not kept a complete, accurate calendar throughout his history, then the exact age of the earth can never be known.

The Appearance Of Age

What about the idea that the universe "looks old?" That there are so many of these measuring sticks—starlight, dating methods, fossils, coal, oil, fossil fuels, diamonds, the Grand Canyon—which seem to indicate a much longer period of time than the few thousand years that the Bible indicates?

Think about the manner and purpose in which God created the world.

When God created trees, He created them full grown—as tall as any tree that could have grown for a hundred years—and capable of reproducing from the beginning (Genesis 1:11-12).

If you were to cut that tree down how many rings would you find inside it? One? One hundred? None? I don’t know. The point is that you couldn’t measure the age of that tree by a standard method of measurement that is accepted today.

If Adam cut it down 5 years later to build a fire, how many rings would he find inside? One? Five? One Hundred Five? None? Again, I don’t know—ring counting is not an accurate measurement for something that was created from nothing!

When God created man, He created the first man and woman full grown (Genesis 1:27-28, 2:15-24). There were no parents to take care of them and they were capable of reproducing from the beginning.

Exactly one year after his creation, how many candles would be on Adam’s birthday cake? One. How old would he look? Twenty to thirty?

People ask the humorous question "Did Adam have a belly button?" The very question itself recognizes that Adam came into this world differently from any of the rest of us. So did Eve. So those things that were created would have appeared to age differently than those things which were produced by natural methods.

When God created the earth, He created it full and complete, and ready for man and all the rest of life to inhabit it (Psalm 115:16).

If God created those other things (trees, man) in their mature stages rather than their infancy, why would He not create the entire universe in the same way? Why would it not appear to be older and fully established in order to support life? That makes sense doesn’t it?


Man in his own wisdom has always rejected God (1 Corinthians 1:18-29). In his arrogance and perceived knowledge, he shows himself to be a fool for rejecting what God has said (Romans 1:20-22).

We don’t have to give in to those condescending scientific minds who think that we act on faith and they act on fact. Don’t let them hide their assumptions, theories, and speculations behind a bunch of technical gobbledygook.

The reason we don’t understand their arguments may not be because they are smarter than we are, but because they don’t make any sense!!

- Rob Harbison


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