Fire Protection
A certain Midwestern city had a hospital that maintained its own
fire-fighting equipment. If ever a fire broke out within the walls of the
hospital, anyone could reach for a nearby hose on the wall and extinguish it.
For about 35 years the hospital operated totally free from fires. The hospital’s
safety record was impeccable. The state-of-the-art system never had to be used –
and it’s a good thing that it was never needed!
One day an inspection was made of the system… The inspection revealed a very
interesting and alarming situation. The pipe that was to carry the water into
the building and, subsequently, into the fire-fighting system had never been
connected to the water source!
For 35 years, the people who worked in and used the hospital had maintained
complete confidence in a system that would not work! The system had all the
hoses and equipment it needed. The only problem was that it had no connection to
the most important part of the whole system – the water!
May you and I never make the same mistake, especially when it pertains to our
salvation from sin!
Sin is a universal problem (Romans 3:23) with terrible consequences (Romans
6:23). In the Bible, a phrase that is used to describe punishment for sin is
the…" fire of hell"
Matthew 18:9,
Mark 9:43-47). Language about hell seeks to describe for
humans the most awful punishment human language can describe to warn the
unbelieving and impenitent before it is too late!
Yet, because of God’s love, we can be “protected” – if – we are connected to the
Source of salvation. The only thing that can protect us from the punishment for
sin is the…" blood of Jesus"
On the cross, Jesus died – He shed His blood – as payment for your sins and
mine. "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
according to the riches of His grace" (Ephesians 1:7).
In order to be “connected” to the Source of our salvation, we must: place our
trust in Him (Acts 16:30-34), repent of our sins (Acts 17:30-31), confess Jesus
before men (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized (immersed) into Christ for the
forgiveness of our sins (Acts
2:38). Then - as long as one continues to walk in
the light of God’s Word, the blood of Jesus continues to "cleanse" him of sin
and "protect" him from the punishment for sin (1 John 1:7).
Are you protected? Are you connected to the Source of salvation?
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