Behind Enemy Lines
A small town in the hills of West Virginia and an entire nation are rejoicing
over the news that an American prisoner of war has been rescued. Army Pfc.
Jessica Lynch, a 19-year-old supply clerk from Palestine, W. Va., was rescued by
U.S. special operation forces in Iraq earlier this week. Jessica was part of the
Army's 507th Maintenance Company, which was ambushed near Nasiriyah after making
a wrong turn during early fighting in the invasion of Iraq. Jessica and other
U.S. soldiers - including five that were shown on Iraqi television answering
questions - were taken prisoner in the ambush. Injured during the ambush,
Jessica is now receiving treatment for her wounds, but she now is safe - rescued
from captivity!
Jessica's rescue parallels another grand rescue in which you and I are the
captives. We have lost our focus and our way, made some "wrong turns" (what the
Bible calls sin), wandered away from safety and protection, and have fallen into
enemy hands. We have been taken captive by our archenemy, Satan.
Yet, while we were prisoners of war, helplessly held hostage, God sent His Son
to our rescue. Just as those U.S. forces risked grave danger in rescuing
Jessica, the Son of God also entered into enemy territory, penetrating deep
behind enemy lines, to rescue us. And in so doing, He gave His life so that we
could be rescued (Romans 5:8). Because of His "special operations," you and I
can be saved from our sins and from our enemy.
Those who have willingly followed the "plan" laid out by their great Rescuer
have "been redeemed - rescued - by the precious blood of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter
The mission to rescue all who are held in bondage to sin was accomplished
successfully by Jesus (1 John 2:2). However, this gift of freedom must be
accepted in order to be enjoyed. The "terms" of acceptance include faith
(Hebrews 11:6), repentance of the "wrong turns" (sin) that we have committed in
our lives (Acts 17:30-31), confession that Jesus is the Great Rescuer of all
mankind (Romans 10:9-10), and baptism for the forgiveness of our sins (Acts
2:38). To continue to enjoy freedom from this formidable foe, one must continue
to follow the instructions of the "Captain of our Salvation" (1 John 1:7). The
world has become a battleground for human souls in a war of good vs. evil with
many trapped behind enemy lines. But, with your obedient cooperation, more good
news can be shared:
"Another P.O.W. has been rescued by Christ to the glory of God!"
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